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Wallingford Community Podcast Project

The Wallingford Community Podcast project is encouraging local people to share their stories and experiences. Real Time and Wallingford Radio (107.3 FM) are running workshops in producing podcasts about local issues and activities to be used on air.



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Radio has a global reputation as an effective tool for fostering social action and building positive networks. Wallingford Radio launched as a live radio station (107.3 FM) in April 2022 and has strong links to the town. One of their key outputs, is to provide daily locally produced content. This has included local news, promotion of events and working with local partners.


The Wallingford Community Podcast project is aiming to increase volunteering opportunities, improve community communications and build new partnerships.


Real Time is running activities and workshops, particularly to encourage and engage with hard-to-reach groups. It’s supporting local organisations and community groups to produce stories which will be aired on the station.


This could include storytelling workshops with older people, intergenerational work with young people and those who are economically disadvantaged. The workshops will take place in local venues, targeting areas of deprivation.


Real Time is also running training for local volunteers in the use of participatory storytelling as an approach when engaging with vulnerable people. This will provide volunteering opportunities and ensure that the skills are embedded within the community and will continue beyond the end of this project. Particularly to engage with those who might not otherwise get involved, building new relationships, improving skills, and increasing volunteering opportunities.


The project is supported by Oxfordshire Community Foundation, the aim being to involve more people particularly those with fewer opportunities so that Wallingford Radio can become even more representative of the community it serves.

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